Load antibody decay curve parameter samples
- file_path
path to an RDS file containing MCMC samples of antibody decay curve parameters
, andr
, stored as adata.frame()
or tibble::tbl_df- antigen_isos
vector of antigen isotypes to be used in analyses
a curve_params
object (a tibble::tbl_df with extra attribute antigen_isos
curve <- load_curve_params(serocalculator_example("example_curve_params.rds"))
#> # A tibble: 500 × 8
#> X antigen_iso iter y0 y1 t1 alpha r
#> <int> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 HlyE_IgA 1 2.48 63.5 9.52 0.000581 1.75
#> 2 2 HlyE_IgG 1 3.04 164. 6.55 0.00457 1.17
#> 3 3 LPS_IgA 1 0.748 103. 4.98 0.00308 1.58
#> 4 4 LPS_IgG 1 0.941 320. 6.14 0.00166 1.41
#> 5 5 Vi_IgG 1 8.46 4348. 3.07 0.0000340 1.06
#> 6 6 HlyE_IgA 2 3.86 288. 1.27 0.000459 2.66
#> 7 7 HlyE_IgG 2 1.82 154. 10.8 0.000921 1.30
#> 8 8 LPS_IgA 2 1.76 852. 2.49 0.000126 2.91
#> 9 9 LPS_IgG 2 0.434 20.6 4.29 0.00122 1.37
#> 10 10 Vi_IgG 2 18.8 345. 3.48 0.000142 1.02
#> # ℹ 490 more rows