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This vignette provides users with an example analysis using the serocalculator package. Users will be able to determine the seroincidence of typhoid fever in the sample population using existing longitudinal antibody dynamics collected from Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, and Pakistan, plus a simulated cross-sectional serosurvey.


Aiemjoy, K., Seidman, J. C., Saha, S., Munira, S. J., Islam Sajib, M. S., Sium, S. M. al, Sarkar, A., Alam, N., Zahan, F. N., Kabir, M. S., Tamrakar, D., Vaidya, K., Shrestha, R., Shakya, J., Katuwal, N., Shrestha, S., Yousafzai, M. T., Iqbal, J., Dehraj, I. F., … Andrews, J. R. (2022). Estimating typhoid incidence from community-based serosurveys: a multicohort study. The Lancet. Microbe, 3(8), e578–e587.

Sample Analysis

1. Load packages

The first step in conducting this analysis is to load our necessary packages. Follow the [installation instructions] if you have not already installed serocalculator. (Still in development as of 10/17/2023)

#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#>  dplyr     1.1.3      readr     2.1.4
#>  forcats   1.0.0      stringr   1.5.0
#>  ggplot2   3.4.4      tibble    3.2.1
#>  lubridate 1.9.3      tidyr     1.3.0
#>  purrr     1.0.2     
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#>  dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#>  dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#>  Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

2. Load data

a. Load and prepare longitudinal parameter data

The next step is to load the longitudinal data to set the antibody decay parameters. In this example, these parameters were modeled with Bayesian hierarchical models to fit two-phase power-function decay models to the longitudinal antibody responses among confirmed enteric fever cases.

These parameters include the following: * y0 = baseline
* y1 = peak antibody responses * t1 = time to peak * α = decay rate * r = decay shape

We also create two additional variables, alpha and d. Alpha is the annual decay rate, which is calculated from the daily decay rate in this example. d is 1-r, the decay shape. _______

Finally, we select only the variables needed for the analysis.

c.hlye.IgG <- 
  package = "serocalculator") |> #Load longitudinal parameters dataset
  mutate(alpha = alpha*365.25, #Create alpha and d 
         d = r-1) %>%
  select(y1, alpha, d) #Select only the variables needed for analysis

b. Load and prepare simulated data

The simulated data represent a cross-sectional serosurvey conducted in a representative sample of the general population without regard to disease status. Here, we are assuming a force of infection (FOI, lambda) of 0.2. This means that we assume that there will be 0.2 cases per person in the general population during the time period of interest.

In this scenario, we have selected hlye and IgG as our target measures. Users may select different serologic markers depending on what is available. From the original dataset, we rename our variables to y and a. Finally, we once again limit the dataset to only the variables needed for the analysis.

library(fs) # filesystem utility functions
p.hlye.IgG  <- 
    package = "serocalculator", 
    "extdata/simpophlyeigg.2.csv") %>% #Load simulated cross-sectional dataset
  read_csv() %>%
  rename( #rename variables
    y = y.smpl,
    a = a.smpl) %>% 
  select(y, a) #Select only the variables needed for analysis
#> Rows: 500 Columns: 4
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> dbl (4): a.smpl, y.smpl, i, t
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

c. Set conditions for simulated data

Next, we must set conditions based on some assumptions about the simulated data. This will differ based on background knowledge of the cross-sectional data.

[Need more here, plus simplify variable names]

cond.hlye.IgG <- data.frame(
  nu = 1.027239,             # B noise
  eps = 0.2,            # M noise
  y.low = 0.0,          # low cutoff
  y.high = 5e4); 

3. Estimate Seroincidence

Finally, we are ready to begin seroincidence estimation. We define our starting value as 0.5, which will also define our initial estimate for lambda (FOI). Then we set up values for the confidence interval.

(Add explanation for each section below) [Need more information on starting estimate vs estimate mentioned for simulated data]

start <- .05

lambda = start # initial estimate: starting value
log.lambda = log(lambda)

objfunc <- function(llam){
  return(res <- fdev(llam, p.hlye.IgG, c.hlye.IgG, cond.hlye.IgG))

fit <- nlm(objfunc,log.lambda,

#lambda, lower, upper, LF min
log.lambda.est <- c(exp(fit$estimate),
                    exp(fit$estimate + qnorm(c(0.025))*sqrt(1/fit$hessian)),
                    exp(fit$estimate + qnorm(c(0.975))*sqrt(1/fit$hessian)),

#> [1]    0.2024099    0.1786484    0.2293318 1897.9264766


In our simulated data, we found that the estimated seroincidence of typhoid is ______.