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run_mod() takes a data frame and adjustable mcmc inputs to runjags::run.jags() as an mcmc bayesian model to estimate antibody dynamic curve parameters. The rjags::jags.model() models seroresponse dynamics to an infection. The antibody dynamic curve includes the following parameters:

  • y0 = baseline antibody concentration

  • y1 = peak antibody concentration

  • t1 = time to peak

  • r = shape parameter

  • alpha = decay rate


  nchain = 4,
  nadapt = 0,
  nburn = 0,
  nmc = 100,
  niter = 100,
  strat = NA



A base::data.frame() with the following columns.


The name of the file that contains model structure.


An integer between 1 and 4 that specifies the number of mcmc chains to be run per jags model.


An integer specifying the number of adaptations per chain.


An integer specifying the number of burn ins before sampling.


An integer specifying number of samples in posterior chains


An integer specifying number of iterations.


A character string specifying the stratification variable, entered in quotes.


  • A list() object or multiple list() if stratified. Returned as a list() of class runjags::runjags

  • A base::data.frame() titled curve_params that contains the posterior distribution will be exported with the following attributes:

  • iteration = number of sampling iterations.

  • chain = number of mcmc chains run; between 1 and 4.

  • indexid = "newperson", indicating posterior distribution.

  • antigen_iso = antibody/antigen type combination being evaluated

  • alpha = posterior estimate of decay rate

  • r = posterior estimate of shape parameter

  • t1 = posterior estimate of time to peak

  • y0 = posterior estimate of baseline antibody concentration

  • y1 = posterior estimate of peak antibody concentration

  • stratified variable = the variable that jags was stratified by

  • A list of attributes that summarize the jags inputs, including:

  • class: Class of the output object.

  • nChain: Number of chains run.

  • nParameters: The amount of parameters estimated in the model.

  • nIterations: Number of iteration specified.

  • nBurnin: Number of burn ins.

  • nThin: Thinning number (niter/nmc)


Sam Schildhauer


if (!is.element(runjags::findjags(), c("", NULL))) {
  strat1 <- serocalculator::typhoid_curves_nostrat_100 |>
    sim_case_data(n = 100) |>
    mutate(strat = "stratum 2")
  strat2 <- serocalculator::typhoid_curves_nostrat_100 |>
    sim_case_data(n = 100) |>
    mutate(strat = "stratum 1")

  dataset <- bind_rows(strat1, strat2)

  fitted_model <- run_mod(
    data = dataset, # The data set input
    file_mod = serodynamics_example("model.jags"),
    nchain = 4, # Number of mcmc chains to run
    nadapt = 100, # Number of adaptations to run
    nburn = 100, # Number of unrecorded samples before sampling begins
    nmc = 1000,
    niter = 2000, # Number of iterations
    strat = "strat"
  ) # Variable to be stratified
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Calling 4 simulations using the parallel method...
#> Following the progress of chain 1 (the program will wait for all chains
#> to finish before continuing):
#> Welcome to JAGS 4.3.2 on Tue Feb 25 01:11:20 2025
#> JAGS is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
#> Loading module: basemod: ok
#> Loading module: bugs: ok
#> . . Reading data file data.txt
#> . Compiling model graph
#>    Resolving undeclared variables
#>    Allocating nodes
#> Graph information:
#>    Observed stochastic nodes: 3020
#>    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 535
#>    Total graph size: 44517
#> . Reading parameter file inits1.txt
#> . Initializing model
#> . Adapting 100
#> -------------------------------------------------| 100
#> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 100%
#> Adaptation incomplete.
#> . Updating 100
#> -------------------------------------------------| 100
#> ************************************************** 100%
#> . . . . . . Updating 2000
#> -------------------------------------------------| 2000
#> ************************************************** 100%
#> . . . . Updating 0
#> . Deleting model
#> . 
#> All chains have finished
#> Warning: The adaptation phase of one or more models was not completed in 100 iterations, so the current samples may not be optimal - try increasing the number of iterations to the "adapt" argument
#> Simulation complete.  Reading coda files...
#> Coda files loaded successfully
#> Finished running the simulation
#> Calling 4 simulations using the parallel method...
#> Following the progress of chain 1 (the program will wait for all chains
#> to finish before continuing):
#> Welcome to JAGS 4.3.2 on Tue Feb 25 01:12:07 2025
#> JAGS is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
#> Loading module: basemod: ok
#> Loading module: bugs: ok
#> . . Reading data file data.txt
#> . Compiling model graph
#>    Resolving undeclared variables
#>    Allocating nodes
#> Graph information:
#>    Observed stochastic nodes: 2555
#>    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 535
#>    Total graph size: 39309
#> . Reading parameter file inits1.txt
#> . Initializing model
#> . Adapting 100
#> -------------------------------------------------| 100
#> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 100%
#> Adaptation incomplete.
#> . Updating 100
#> -------------------------------------------------| 100
#> ************************************************** 100%
#> . . . . . . Updating 2000
#> -------------------------------------------------| 2000
#> ************************************************** 100%
#> . . . . Updating 0
#> . Deleting model
#> All chains have finished
#> Warning: The adaptation phase of one or more models was not completed in 100 iterations, so the current samples may not be optimal - try increasing the number of iterations to the "adapt" argument
#> Simulation complete.  Reading coda files...
#> Coda files loaded successfully
#> Finished running the simulation